Kerry Hempenstall · Whole Language versus Phonics

The Reading Wars – again.

It’s the silly season and there’s precious little to report. There was a posting on the Reading Reform Foundation from Jim Curran, who flagged up a piece by one of Australia’s leading proponents of phonics, Kerry Hempenstall. In his article ‘The Whole Language-Phonics Controversy: A Historical Perspective’, he outlines, as the title suggests, the history… Continue reading The Reading Wars – again.

BBC reports · SATs debacle · science sidelined

SATs scores spun, science sidelined.

The BBC reports of the last two days highlight in stark terms what a bunch of interfering busybodies government ministers are. If proof were wanted to bear out everything the Policy Exchange report of a few months ago stated, it’s all here.As the BBC news channel reported yesterday morning, far from being blameless for last… Continue reading SATs scores spun, science sidelined.

Private Eye · school places.

Private Eye gets in on the act of questioning education policy

I veritably LOLed when I opened the latest issue of the Eye (10th July, 2009). ‘Prime Ministerial Decree No 48’ announces the sweeping away of ‘the hated Milburnite-Blairite targetology’ and its replacement with ‘universal human rightism’. The second of the rights is ‘The right of every child to be given a place in the best… Continue reading Private Eye gets in on the act of questioning education policy