Diane Ravitch · evidence-based research · Thomas Fordham Institute

‘What if Research Really Mattered?’

I’ve been wondering for ages how to blog something by Diane Ravitch, research professor in New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. Well, there is something I’ve always quite liked, something she wrote on evidence-based research just over ten years ago. Surrounded by a medical team in an intensive care unit,… Continue reading ‘What if Research Really Mattered?’

Government 'guarantees' · the Economist · The Telegraph

Government guarantees – the new “cones hot-line”!

The government’s latest edict is beginning to make it sound like a Private Eye parody of itself. Its latest decree is to ‘guarantee’ children a legal right to a good education. According to last week’s Telegraph, John Dunford, of the Association of School and College Leaders, ‘warned that the proposed laws risked creating one of… Continue reading Government guarantees – the new “cones hot-line”!

Dr Sheila Lawlor · Judith Woods · Policy Exchange · Politeia · Radio 4 · The Telegraph

Of school standards, swindlers and Soviet style education policies.

The issue of school places has stirred up a passionate row in the press this week. There’s a piece in the Telegraph by an infuriated Judith Woods, titled ‘Ed Balls’s insane education policies make school gate cheats of us all: The lack of decent schools has driven parents to desperate lengths’. In it, she lays… Continue reading Of school standards, swindlers and Soviet style education policies.

IGCSEs v GCSEs · Independent

The dictatorship of the Ball-etariat

Once again the Labour government has displayed its true bureaucratic colours and decided to refuse to recognise IGCSEs, exams which many schools, independent and state, have insisted are more rigorous than GCSEs and more suited to the needs and abilities of their pupils.In today’s Independent, Dr Kevin Stannard, director of education at Cambridge International examinations,… Continue reading The dictatorship of the Ball-etariat