Dr Sheila Lawlor · Judith Woods · Policy Exchange · Politeia · Radio 4 · The Telegraph

Of school standards, swindlers and Soviet style education policies.

The issue of school places has stirred up a passionate row in the press this week. There’s a piece in the Telegraph by an infuriated Judith Woods, titled ‘Ed Balls’s insane education policies make school gate cheats of us all: The lack of decent schools has driven parents to desperate lengths’. In it, she lays… Continue reading Of school standards, swindlers and Soviet style education policies.

IGCSEs v GCSEs · Independent

The dictatorship of the Ball-etariat

Once again the Labour government has displayed its true bureaucratic colours and decided to refuse to recognise IGCSEs, exams which many schools, independent and state, have insisted are more rigorous than GCSEs and more suited to the needs and abilities of their pupils.In today’s Independent, Dr Kevin Stannard, director of education at Cambridge International examinations,… Continue reading The dictatorship of the Ball-etariat

Maurice Sendak · The Fantastic Mr Fox · Where the Wild Things Are

Sendak tells parents worried about the film of his book to go to Where the Wild Things Are!

Controversy has flared over the launch of Spike Jonze’s adaptation of the Maurice Sendak’s book Where the Wild Things Are.Like the book, first published in 1963, the row, or rumpus as the book might have it, has erupted because some parents are worried that the images in the film will frighten the bejesus out of… Continue reading Sendak tells parents worried about the film of his book to go to Where the Wild Things Are!

linguistic phonics · Sounds-Write · test results

Sounds-Write study on 1607 Key Stage 1 pupils in state primary school across the country.

The Sounds~Write linguistic phonic teaching programme was conceived and written in 2002/3. An essential component of the authors’ thinking about literacy tuition is that all teachers of literacy deserve high quality training. This is needed to help dispel the many myths and inaccuracies pervading teaching practices that stem from a variety of sources including: personal… Continue reading Sounds-Write study on 1607 Key Stage 1 pupils in state primary school across the country.

Low standards in education. Terry Leahy · Tesco

Standards in education ‘woefully low’, says Tesco boss Terry Leahy

The Guardian and The Independent are today both reporting Terry Leahy’s attack on Gordon Brown’s ‘woefully low’ standards in education.It’s the usual complaint – huge amounts of money spent for a very poor return – though for the UK’s largest private employer (Tesco) to voice such an outspoken attack is highly significant.Leahy claims that standards… Continue reading Standards in education ‘woefully low’, says Tesco boss Terry Leahy

David Crystal's blog · English Language Day · The English Language Project · Winchester

English Language Day

David Crystal is proposing that we give every language its ‘special day’. As he reminds us, we already have two: the European Day of Languages on 26th September and the World Mother-Tongue day on 21st February.Crystal’s posting on his blog has drawn attention to work done by the Winchester English Language Project, which will celebrate… Continue reading English Language Day