Creativity as important as literacy?
If you’ve never taken a look at TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design: ideas worth spreading) maybe it’s time you did.Here’s Ken Robinson talking about how schools kill creativity.
If you’ve never taken a look at TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design: ideas worth spreading) maybe it’s time you did.Here’s Ken Robinson talking about how schools kill creativity.
The second myth on which Susan Godsland focuses is that ‘dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty that can be readily diagnosed by an educated professional’.As she quite rightly points out, until recently it was standard practice among educational psychologists to use the ‘IQ/achievement discrepancy diagnosis’. As the descriptor suggests, it was thought that if a… Continue reading Six myths about dyslexia II
The November/December issue of SEN Magazine has given well deserved space to Susan Godsland’s article ‘Six myths about dyslexia’.Susan is well placed to write on the subject, ‘being the parent of a once struggling reader’ and she writes about how deeply she was affected by the ‘frustration and anxiety which results from having a “dyslexic”… Continue reading Six myths about dyslexia
Here’s an interesting interview conducted by Adam Shaw on Radio 4’s Today programme this morning (18/11/2010) with Brian Butterworth, Emeritus professor of cognitive neuropsychology at the Institute of Neuroscience at the University College London. BB: “The UK is not very good at maths. We’re about average, looking at all OECD countries. So, we’re significantly worse… Continue reading Off topic – maths in the UK
So Ofsted’s chief inspector for schools Christine Gilbert has suddenly come to the conclusion that failure to teach children to read and spell is not to do with poverty or ethnic background. It’s because they are not being taught properly!The Sunday Times today (14.11.10) has reported Ms Gilbert as saying that progress in ‘improving literacy… Continue reading Illiteracy: another admission of failure
We at Sounds-Write have long puzzled over why it is that government minsters, literacy specialists, college professors and whatnot aren’t utterly and completely persuaded by the results we get with our programme. In our longitudinal study on over fifteen hundred pupils being taught using Sounds-Write throughout Key Stage 1, over ninety percent were within six… Continue reading Irrationality – our default state?