
Independent? Only from the truth when it comes to phonics

You know what they say? There are lies, damn lies and press reports about the government’s phonics screening check – especially in the Independent. I think Leveson should be instructed to look into journalistic standards at the Independent.The latest, penned pseudonymously by ‘Jennifer Jackson’, has got to be one of the most rebarbative fabrications I have… Continue reading Independent? Only from the truth when it comes to phonics

Daily Telegraph · Debbie Hepplewhite · Graeme Paton

Debbie Hepplewhite confounds screening check critics

By kind permission of Debbie Hepplewhite, I am posting, in its entirety, her response on the Reading Reform Foundation to an article by Graeme Paton in yesterday’s Telegraph newspaper. Debbie’s post provides an excellent risposte to many of the issues raised in Paton’s piece, titled “Compulsory reading test ‘should be scrapped’” and straplined ‘Bright children are… Continue reading Debbie Hepplewhite confounds screening check critics

Belleville Primary School · K Anders Ericsson · teach PRIMARY

Clear vision, consistency and effortful practice

The latest issue of teach PRIMARY has just come out and there are two articles (at least) of note that are worth a look at. The first, ‘Good education doesn’t change every time there’s a new secretary of state’, is about Belleville Primary School in Wandsworth. According to Jacob Stow, the head teacher John Grove… Continue reading Clear vision, consistency and effortful practice