I’m not long back from Perth in Australia, where I’ve been running two back-to-back courses with Mary Gladstone (see below), our resident Sounds-Write trainer based in Lismore, near Brisbane. And, apart from training trainees new to Sounds-Write, we were also training three new Sounds-Write trainers from DFS.

Over the two weeks we spent in Western Australia, we trained forty-two trainees and the feedback has been absolutely fantastic. One head teacher told me as she was leaving at the end of the course that it had been the best professional development course she’d ever attended. And that was pretty much what the others felt too.
Not only did Mary and I do a lot of teaching, we also learnt an awful lot from our lively discussions with the trainees, many of whom already had a huge amount of teaching experience behind them.
Mandy Nayton and her two colleagues Margie Backhouse and Gemma Boyle from DFS have all embarked upon the Sounds-Write trainer’s programme. Watch this space for the next training in November.