basic skills in reading and maths · BBC 2's Newsnight · Mrs Neville-Rolfe · Professor Dylan Wiliam · the Economist

Read my lips, LibLabCon: it’s the basics wot count!

Returning to my previous posting, a poll commissioned by the Newsnight programme was shocking in a number of ways. According to Newsnight, despite current spending reaching £86 billion a year – a 72% increase since 1977 -, two thirds of people ‘don’t think the government has invested our money on education in the most effective… Continue reading Read my lips, LibLabCon: it’s the basics wot count!

Adult illiteracy · basic skills in reading and maths · recession

Can’t Read? No job!

More news from npr. The recession in the the USA is causing huge anxiety for those whose reading skills are less than adequate. Apparently, the unemployed are filling up adult literacy programmes. It’s a particularly desperate time for those with only basic language (for which read ‘elementary reading’) and maths skills. One ‘Friends of Literacy’… Continue reading Can’t Read? No job!