Laurie Rogers · maths · Nick Diaz

Nick Diaz on bigotry and mathematical ability

This is a bit off the usual track but I happened to notice that Nick Diaz has written a guest column on Laurie Rogers’ blog ‘Betrayed: Why public education is failing’.In the piece, Diaz takes on the stereotyping of ‘Asian’ students (by which people in the USA mean students whose parents are of Chinese, Korean,… Continue reading Nick Diaz on bigotry and mathematical ability

Catherine Johnson · Kitchen Table Math · npr · youtube

Money, money money? Or autonomy, mastery and purpose?

I’ve just seen this rather fascinating video, originally posted on the irvingparentsforum. I picked it up on the kitchen table math blog, posted by the inimitable Catherine Johnson, and it’s certainly worth sharing.The context for the interest in this subject relates back to a story, reported by npr, that broke into the news earlier this… Continue reading Money, money money? Or autonomy, mastery and purpose?

Catherine Johnson · Doug Lemov · Kitchen Table Math · SpLD · Uncommon Schools

Decline in SpLD numbers in the USA

Catherine Johnson from kitchen table math is reporting that the number of students in the USA identified as having a ‘specific learning disability’ has declined over the past ten years from 6.1% in 2000-2001 to 5.2% in 2007-2008. The figures come from the U.S Department of Education’s 2009 Digest of Education Statistics.As is the case… Continue reading Decline in SpLD numbers in the USA

Amy Blade · Battle Cries · Caves of danger

Introducing the new Battle Cries series of books

Sounds-Write is pleased to announce the publication of its new series Battle Cries, which features the heroine Amy Blade, ‘all action, all heart, already two steps in front of you’!The series is designed to help struggling, older readers (from about eleven years and onwards). Each book focuses on a particular sound and is deliberately contrived… Continue reading Introducing the new Battle Cries series of books

Centre for Policy Studies · Dr John Marks · Michael Gove · Nick Gibb · Ofsted

SEN, or just poor teaching?

Has Ofsted recovered its nerve? Apparently so. In its recent report ‘The special educational needs and disability review: a statement is not enough’, Ofsted reveals that, while the number of pupils with a statement of special educational needs ‘decreased slightly’ (from 3% to 2.7%), ‘the proportion identified as needing less intensive additional support at School… Continue reading SEN, or just poor teaching?

Daily Telegraph · Lincolnshire county council · Toby Young

Busy bureaucrats must be braver!

As a postscript to yesterday’s story about Lincolnshire county council’s desire to pursue Mark McCullough for allowing his daughter to walk twenty yards to the stop for her school bus, Toby Young, in the Telegraph (13/09/2010) – ‘Schools must be braver with our children: Spending a childhood wrapped in cotton wool is no preparation for… Continue reading Busy bureaucrats must be braver!

Daily Telegraph · Lincolnshire county council · Mark McCullough

Busybody bureaucrats at it again!

I expect people will have been pretty shocked to read in today’s papers of another county council that doesn’t seem to know where to draw the line when it comes to minding its own business. This morning’s Telegraph is reporting that Mark McCullough is being threatened by Lincolnshire county council for allowing his seven-year-old daughter… Continue reading Busybody bureaucrats at it again!