John Hattie · Karin James · Marieke Longcamp · New Sientist · Tiffany O'Callaghan

Teaching literacy skills the write way

I’ve blogged on the subject and importance of writing by hand a number of times before: here, here, and here. I return to the subject because this week’s New Scientist (29th October 2014) devotes no less than the cover page, an editorial and four of its pages to how the latest technology may be affecting the ways… Continue reading Teaching literacy skills the write way

Gwendolyn · handwriting · Karin James · Reading and spelling tests versus SATs

Why the pen is mightier than the keyboard

  There’s a very interesting article in the TES by Adi Bloom this week (14th October 2011) about handwriting. In it Mr Beswick from Greave Primary school in Stockport is quoted as arguing strongly that handwriting is redundant and that keyboard skills are the future. On the other hand, Mr Gibbons of Nettlesham Junior school… Continue reading Why the pen is mightier than the keyboard