one sound-different spellings · phonics · Reading and spelling · Sounds-Write

One sound, different spellings: the Sounds-Write way

I’ve just been asked by someone in Australia why it is that the Sounds-Write programme aims to teach to young children multiple spellings of a sound at the same time – the concern being about overloading children’s memories. This is unquestionably the hardest aspect of learning how to read and spell for every single one… Continue reading One sound, different spellings: the Sounds-Write way

Bounce · K Anders Ericsson · Matthew Syed · Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise · Robert Pool

What do young children learning to read and write have in common with the young Mozart?

When Matthew Syed, former table tennis champion, Times correspondent and author, trained his sights on what it is that makes someone a champion, he tackled the question head-on by dealing with one of our most cherished enigmas: in his superb book Bounce(2010), he asked the question ‘How do you solve a conundrum like Mozart?’ The reason he… Continue reading What do young children learning to read and write have in common with the young Mozart?

Diane McGuinness · Homage to Jeanne Chall · phonics · spelling · St George's PS

The phonics achievement challenge

Following on from my last post in which I reported the results of a spelling test taken by a class about to begin Y2 in St George’s Primary School in Wandsworth, this time I’m publishing the results from the same spelling test for a class just about to begin Y3.    The reason I’m putting the posts… Continue reading The phonics achievement challenge