'i before e · except after c' · Schott's Vocab Blog

Schott takes aim at ‘i before e, except after c’.

News again from National Public Radio or npr in the USA. They’ve recently noticed the jettisoning by the UK government of the ‘i before e, except after c’ rule.Npr reports that Ben Schott has fixed the rule in his sights and declared it to be ‘an annoying edict about an annoying rule’. On his blog… Continue reading Schott takes aim at ‘i before e, except after c’.

dyslexia · Identifying and Teaching Children and Young People with Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties · Jim Rose's Report

A Rose is but …

Another government report: ‘Identifying and Teaching Children and Young People with Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties’! They’re churning them out faster than David Crystal can write books on language these days. Probably so that we don’t have time to read them thoroughly!With this latest offering, we’re treated to the usual platitudes – ‘every child to succeed’,… Continue reading A Rose is but …

http://www.dyslexics.org.uk · Ofsted Report 'English at the crossroads' · white boys still failing to learn to read and spell

Standards stall – more evidence.

You might, if you were watching, have seen last week’s ‘English at the crossroads’ Report from Ofsted declaring what we all know already: that English standards are ‘not good enough’.As I’ve written in a number of posting before (see the postings on the Policy Exchange Report), although the government have spent huge amounts of money… Continue reading Standards stall – more evidence.

autopeotomy · English language · millionth word · Simon Winchester

The Joys of Our Truly Global Language

In case you missed it, the one millionth word passed into the English language sometime around last week, according to Telegraph writer Simon Winchester. If you’ve never heard of autopeotomy, nor still linked the word with Dr James Murray, two elderly lexicographers at Oxford station, or Simon Winchester himself, you may shudder a little and… Continue reading The Joys of Our Truly Global Language

David Crystal · DCSF · Marilyn Jager Adams · Support for Spelling

Support for Spelling (Part 2)

I have previously written that true literacy tuition is about teaching reading and spelling together because they are inextricably linked. What most children can do when they start their schooling is talk. They are already very accurate at using the grammatical structures of English and have vocabularies running into many thousands of words. David Crystal… Continue reading Support for Spelling (Part 2)

Support for Spelling

DCSF publication: Support for Spelling (released from captivity May 2009)

This latest DCSF publication pulls together much traditional thinking about how spelling has been taught in British schools for over a hundred years without providing any evidence that anyone learns to spell as a result of it. From the very beginnings of the development of our compulsory schooling system, spelling was identified as a major… Continue reading DCSF publication: Support for Spelling (released from captivity May 2009)